For Publishers
Regina Drummond
Cortez Publishing House
Translated by Silvia Zanette Guimarães
For children up to 8

A vampire baby is first a baby or a vampire?
Nobody knows. Just one thing is sure: a person will turn into a vampire. This is a transformation – because he/she was bitten or had a malediction. At any case, to be a vampire is something to be chosen: we choose it or somebody chooses it for us. Let's say, it was like this before. Before this lovely vampire baby has come to a burg in Transylvania. It will bring secrets which were deeply inside somebody’s mind and heart. It will change the life of the inhabitants.
By the eyes of Dana Miser, the young readers will follow the daily life in a burg, in Middle Ages, with their practices, habits, believes and superstitions.
Introduction of the book
I love traveling. One of the trips which has put more ideas into my mind was the trip to Transylvania, in Romania, a wonderful place with fantastic landscapes, a very nice people, lots of culture, History and hundred stories –the best place being reserved to vampires.
“The Vampire Baby” takes place in a very small burg in Romania during the Middle Ages. It shows the name of the characters like they were in their origins: the city from where the character came (for example, Iasi); her/his profession or job (for example, smith); a personal mark (to be a stingy person or having a beard); something which had made this person different from the others, a remarkable one. Truth to be told, we still use this family names today, but we don't think about them or what they mean.
At that time, people were very religious in Romania and they were afraid of witches and vampires. Everything that reminded them of supernatural – or they couldn't understand – was called “from the devil”. When something different happened in a funeral, or when the dead hadn’t had time to receive the priest, people could say he/she will turn into a bad spirit and could be back to torture us, the living ones.
But I am talking too much! Open the book and discover everything by yourself!
I wish you a lot of fun!
About the book

A vampire baby is first a baby or a vampire?
Before answering this question, it would be interesting to know about the origins of the vampires. Legend says that these night creatures can't have babies together. In order to make a baby, the couple must be mixed: a man with a vampire-female, or a vampire-male with a woman. Das baby will be hybrid and when he grows up, he will have the opportunity to choose if he will be a vampire or a human. At any case, the first half will hate the second one, and of course it will be a big problem for the half-vampire.
So, where is this vampire baby come from? Is it possible to be born like a vampire?
His words and attitudes show us he can be a killer, because he is hungry and asks the girl Dana Miser to “eat from your neck” But he is so lovely when he makes ki-ki like a bat… And he is so nice, he looks like a baby and has short and soft legs… And about his two sharp-pointed tooth?
His presence in the burg changes the routine from this place and makes the inhabitants show who they really are: the count, the owner of the earth, shows he is interested in money, only, he doesn't care about the problems of the people who work for him; Mr. Constantin Schmid feels he is the boss there and the responsible for them; the fears of the women, with minds full of devils and bad spirits; the authoritarian husbands; the children, always curious and ready to make bad things and tricks; the hard work and the difficult life that all of them have to handle.
The best part is reserved for Mrs. Ana Miser, Dana's mother. She is always afraid of something, she is depressive, she doesn't want to talk, she cries. She looks close to the vampire baby in any ways, but how? Nobody knows, but they can imagine. They are sure she is a witch, and the creature belongs to her.
After a long suspense, the inhabitants of the burg decide to burn the witch, but she asks them to tell her story, to tell why she has nothing to do with this baby, let's say, not really.
The power of the words! When she starts, she uses all her ability to bewitch them with the charm of her fascinating story… She convinces them and they make everything she wants.
But something happens to her: she can't live with that lie anymore. She can't support this people anymore. And she reveals herself as the owner of the situation, the real owner of her life: so, taking her broomstick, she put her family on and go away, flying like the witch she is.
Some people said the vampire baby was with them but I am not sure about that.